Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ideas For A 1year Old'S Birthday

First birthday parties are more for parents than the baby.

A child's first birthday party is a big deal for parents. Reaching this milestone is an accomplishment for new parents. It takes a lot of work to guide a baby through her first year. Many friends and family members would be happy to share in the joy of celebrating your child's first birthday. Parents can celebrate a 1-year-old's birthday at home, with a small celebration or with a larger party in a baby and toddler-friendly location. Decide on a theme, activities and food to have at the party to make the event enjoyable for your baby and any party guests. Does this Spark an idea?

Ways to Celebrate

A first birthday celebration can take any number of forms. You could have a small party at home, with immediate family members only. A smaller house party with a few friends and family members is another celebration option. You could also throw a party away from the home, at an indoor or outdoor park park, kid's gym or music class, a local recreation center or at a museum or other amusement center designed for young children and babies.


Choose a theme based on the interests of the baby or parents. Some 1-year-olds have a favorite television show that would make a good theme for a party. If there are no special preferences, then the season in which the baby was born can help determine the theme. Use a pool theme in summer, or a holiday theme during the holiday season. You can also use colors for a theme, such as a black and white party or primary color party.

Games and Activities

Choose games and activities for the party that the 1-year-old can enjoy. This may make some of the events hard for parents and older children to play, but the party is for the baby. Ring around the Rosie is a game that walking 1-year-olds like. Give the children at the party musical instruments and lead them in a parade around the house or yard. Play kid's music or party music and let the children and babies dance. Fill up a plastic pool with large plastic balls and allow the children to play in the pit.


The food at a 1-year-old's birthday party should appeal to a baby's palate. Supply the food line with small finger foods that a child can eat, such as small fruit and vegetable pieces, dry cereal, small meat cubes, cubed cheese and non-messy foods that babies can eat.

Tags: family members, first birthday, 1-year-old birthday, birthday party, child first, child first birthday, children babies