Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wear A Hawaiian Shirt

Wear a Hawaiian Shirt

Nothing says "incognito" like these multicolored tributes to Hawaii. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Wear the Hawaiian shirt casually - untucked and hanging loosely.

2. Keep accessories to a minimum. Leave your cummerbunds, suspenders, belts and bow ties as far away as possible from the shirt, preferably in their respective drawers.

3. Try not to mix patterns with a Hawaiian shirt. Prints of surf scenes, flowers, and tropical fish rarely go with paisley, tweed or plaid.

4. Wear a Hawaiian shirt with plain, unassuming pants, such as khakis. This will provide a neutral background for the craziness that is the Hawaiian shirt.

5. Tan, if possible. Tropical prints look best on a body that's been to the tropics. If you are quite pale, avoid hues that emphasize your pallor.

6. Avoid wearing a Hawaiian shirt around those who are easily startled or prone to motion sickness.

7. Wear your shirt with confidence. Let people know you're wearing a Hawaiian shirt and that you're 100 percent proud of it.

Tags: Hawaiian shirt, Wear Hawaiian, Hawaiian shirt, shirt with, wearing Hawaiian, wearing Hawaiian shirt