Friday, July 24, 2015

Word Shower Invitations

Bridal showers can be casual or formal, and invitation wording should correspond to the event's style.

A bridal shower can include an intimate gathering of friends or a luncheon for 100. The theme and type of shower you throw depends on the couple getting married and the type of wedding they are planning. No matter what type of shower, though, you must formally invite your guests and provide them with all the information they need. While all invitations need to contain certain information, the type of invitation you use to convey it can vary from quirky and handmade to formal and professionally printed.


1. Plan the shower's theme and tone. This will determine the type of invitations you should get and how you should word them. Casual showers may have more casual, handwritten invitations while formal showers should have printed invitations.

2. Include the bride's name and indicate what sort of shower you are throwing. According to, you should include the groom's name as well if you are hosting a couple's shower. For example, for an invitation to a couple's shower, you should word the beginning of the invitation similar to this: "Please join us at a couple's shower for John Doe and Jane Smith."

3. Add the date, time and location to your invitation. Make sure to include the full address of the location as well. For example: "Saturday, July 10, 2010 from 2-4 p.m. at the home of Jan Doe, 555 Maple St., Anywhere, CA 55555."

4. Add the RSVP information, including the person's name with whom guests should RSVP, her contact information and a deadline for responses, if any. For example: "RSVP to Jan at (555) 555-5555."

5. List the couple's registry information on a separate piece of paper, to be inserted with the invitation. Do not include this information on the invitation itself, according to For example: "Jane and John are registered at Bloomingdale's and Crate and Barrel."

Tags: couple shower, should word, type shower