Friday, July 31, 2015

Ideas For A Hawaiian Vacation Scrapbook Page

For some people, a trip to Hawaii is the vacation of a lifetime. Many people will only be able to make this trip to Hawaii once. Whether you are one of those people whose Hawaiian vacation was a one-time event, or you are about to make a return trip, a scrapbook page can help you remember the highlights of your visit.

Plan Ahead

Before you leave, think about the different things you'll want to add to your Hawaiian vacation scrapbook page. Make a list of the places you plan to visit. Take plenty of pictures of these places while you are in Hawaii, so you have images for your scrapbook page. Carry the list with you at all times, if possible, and check things off the list as you take pictures of them.

Purchase tropical-themed scrapbooking paper, and cut out pictures from a gardening catalog of Hawaiian flowers to decorate your scrapbook pages.


Choose a theme for your Hawaiian vacation scrapbook page---something more than just being in Hawaii. For instance, if your theme is "doors," take pictures of the doors at each place you visit. On the scrapbook page, state the name of the establishment and give a description of the place or briefly tell about what you did there.

For a flower theme, take pictures or buy postcards of different Hawaiian flowers to use on your scrapbook page. This is a good idea for those who are interested in gardening. When you get home, you can look up the scientific name of each flower and give a few details about it.

Action Shots

Use the "What I Did on My Summer Vacation" idea. Take a lot of action shots with your camera, to show you and your family and friends scuba diving, snorkeling, beach bumming, bike riding, shopping, etc. Get pictures of absolutely everything. Use half of the scrapbook page to write a little story about each adventure.


Keep different mementos from your Hawaiian vacation and use those to create a scrapbook page. Save items such as tickets, napkins, admission bracelets, etc. Use acid-free, double-sided tape to attach these items to your scrapbook page. Create captions for each item to tell about what you did or a memory you made.

Tags: scrapbook page, your scrapbook, Hawaiian vacation, scrapbook page, take pictures, your Hawaiian, your Hawaiian vacation