Friday, July 24, 2015

Swim With Dolphins In Oahu Hawaii

Swim with the dolphins at Sea Life Park in Oahu, Hawaii.

So you're on vacation in Hawaii, and you've done all the requisite things you're supposed to do. You've laid out on the beach, visited a volcano, swam in a lagoon and attended a Hawaiian Luau. There's only one thing left to do - channel your inner Flipper and swim with the dolphins. On the island of Oahu, you can have dolphin swim experience at the Sea Life Park. Adults and children as young as eight years old can participate in the dolphin swim at this marine wildlife park.


1. Choose your dolphin adventure. At Sea Life Park you can choose between two dolphin swim programs. The Dolphin Swim Adventure will allow you to swim with a dolphin in shallow water for about 30 minutes. You will get a dolphin handshake and kiss, and a belly ride while holding on to the dolphin's flippers. As of November 2010, the cost was $184.99 for adults and children, and includes the price of admission to the park. The Dolphin Royal Swim program lets you interact with two of the brightest and fasted dolphins for 45 minutes, who will take you out into the deeper waters for a dorsal fin ride. You will also experience the foot push, where the dolphins will propel you forward across the water on your feet. This experience costs $234.99 as of November 2010.

2. Make a reservation. Go to the website, Sea Life Park Hawaii. Click on the Reservations tab. Click on the Book Now tab for either the Dolphin Adventure or the Dolphin Royal Swim. Choose an available date for when you will be in Hawaii. Pay online using a credit or debit card, and you will receive a confirmation number.

3. Listen to the trainers carefully. When you get to the park, remember that you are working with a wild animal, no matter how much training they have. It is imperative that you follow instructions explicitly to keep yourself from getting hurt. You will be given a short orientation and safety vest that must be warn for the duration of the experience.

Tags: Life Park, Dolphin Royal, Dolphin Royal Swim, dolphin swim, minutes will, November 2010, Oahu Hawaii