Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ideas For A First Birthday Party With Rubber Ducks

Use the classic children's toy as a first birthday party theme.

Although first birthdays aren't remembered by the babies, friends and family members who get together for it still enjoy celebrating this momentous milestone. The rubber ducky is an iconic toy that's been loved by children for decades. If you've decided to use this as the theme for your little one, there are a few ideas that can help you utilize this motif to its full potential. Does this Spark an idea?


The invitations are your guests' first clue as to what the party theme is going to be. You can get paper with rubber duckies on it and create your own invitations, or buy rubber ducky-themed invitations from the store. If you want to get really creative, you can even cut rubber ducky shapes out of construction paper and make your invitations by hand.


Fill your house with rubber ducky decorations to bring the theme to life. Put up "road signs" that read "ducky Xing" with a silhouette of a rubber ducky. You can also put up streamers that have the classic bright yellow color of the rubber ducky. Put small rubber duckies throughout the house, on bookshelves and on the table. You could also get a rubber ducky-themed tablecloth and rubber ducky paper plates and cups. Rubber ducky decals can also be displayed throughout the home, and they're convenient because they can be easily removed.


Have the kids get together for activity time and let them immerse themselves in rubber ducky games. If the other kids are around the same age, they will need help from an adult. Put on a rubber ducky cake walk. Make the steps around the cakewalk in the shape of duck feet, remembering to number each one. When the music stops, draw a number from the hat and give the winner a rubber ducky cupcake. The kids can also play a game of "rubber, rubber, ducky," in the fashion of "duck, duck, goose." Another fun activity is having the kids is to make rubber ducky puppets. For this, you can use yellow socks, orange foam (for the beaks) and googly eyes. Be sure to watch the kids very closely to make sure they don't swallow any small parts.


The centerpiece of a birthday is always the cake. Purchase or create a rubber ducky-themed cake. If you want to make your own cake, considering using a bathtub as the main portion of the cake, with a large rubber ducky on the top. You could use a 3D rubber ducky model on top or just create a 2D frosting model of the duck. Other food ideas are grilled cheese sandwiches cut out in rubber ducky shapes, duck shaped Jell-O moldings and duck punch (yellow juice with clean rubber duckies floating on top).

Party Favors

Give the kids who attend the party some rubber ducky-themed party favors. Fill a rubber ducky-themed bag (either store bought or created by you with stickers) and fill it with a rubber ducky, rubber ducky soap, rubber ducky stickers, Goldfish crackers, necklaces, sponges, ducky teethers or anything else you can think of that coincides with the ducky theme.

Tags: rubber ducky, rubber ducky-themed, rubber duckies, rubber ducky, ducky shapes