Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Organize A Bachelorette Party

Party on Ladies, Party on...

Every bride is unique. Her maid, or matron, of honor must be on her toes to think of a great plan for this special person's “last single night out”. Most people prefer painting the town red with a group of close friends. However, there are numerous party ideas that can be implemented and make any bride-to-be enjoy, and remember, her bachelorette party for years to come.


Organize a Bachelorette Party

1. Decide on a theme. Some popular ones include, Luau-style, Little Black Dress, Western and "Night on the Town".

2. Make a guest list. Make sure you double-check your choices with the bride or, to make it easier, just get a list from her upfront.

3. Choose a venue. Depending on the number in attendance, choose a location that will comfortably accommodate your group. A few examples would be: someones home; a restaurant; a sports bar or a party hall. In many cases, the venue changes throughout the night!

4. Create a menu. Regardless of whether the party is in the late afternoon or at night, make sure you have plenty of refreshments. You could do all the preparation yourself or you can have it catered.

5. Make an hour by hour schedule. Most of the time, the night progresses on its own. However, you should always have a list of activities to occupy the group if necessary. For example, a fun activity to plan ahead is the "Panty Tree" game. This is where each person invited brings a pair of panties for the bride, hangs it on a pre-fabricated tree and she has to guess who they are from. If she gets it wrong, she has to do anything the group tells her to do.

6. Remember that this is a PARTY. Once you have prepared everything make sure that you kick back and have an enjoyable time with the bride. After all, you are obviously someone special if she wanted you to plan her final night out as a single lady!

Tags: Bachelorette Party, make sure, Organize Bachelorette, Organize Bachelorette Party, with bride