Thursday, July 16, 2015

Upload Photos To Hi5

On the social-networking site Hi5, you can post your profile and then connect through other members' profiles. Many members choose to add photos to their profiles in order for their friends to view them online. You can easily upload photos to your Hi5 account in a few short steps.


1. Create a Hi5 profile. You need to do this before uploading photos. Find the registration link on the Hi5 homepage.

2. Select "Upload Photos" while on the main page of the site. If you are on your profile page, you can choose the "My Photos" option.

3. Pick the album where you want to store the photos. You can create a new photo album or use the default "My Photos."

4. Use the Hi5 upload tool to upload numerous photos at once. Otherwise, you can upload one photo at a time, although this can be time consuming.

5. Click "Add Photos." Choose the photos from the files on your computer. After you have made your selections, the photos automatically start to upload. If you have a lot of photos uploading at once, the process may take a few minutes.

6. Set your profile pic. After uploading photos, you can choose the photo that you want displayed on your profile.

Tags: your profile, Upload Photos, uploading photos