Friday, July 17, 2015

Use An Undercut Jamb Saw

You may have to modify door jambs for tile or hardwood floors.

Hardwood, laminate and tile require more height than other types of flooring. Problems arise when you change flooring styles during a home renovation project. The added height of the new flooring will sit higher against the door jamb than the old floor. Raising the height of the door jamb requires either removing the vertical sides of the jamb or using a jamb saw to remove material from the bottom of an installed jamb. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Set a piece of flooring against one side of a door jamb. Run a pencil along the top of the flooring to place a pencil mark on the front of the door jamb. Remove the flooring from the jamb.

2. Place a mechanical undercut jamb saw flat on the floor with its blade facing the pencil line. Adjust the cut height of the saw to align the top of the cutting blade with the top of the pencil line.

3. Depress the trigger of the saw. Move the spinning blade along the pencil line to cut the door jamb to the correct height.

4. Pry under the cut piece of jamb to remove it from the area. Slide the piece of flooring under the jamb. Raise the jamb saw cutting height 1/32 inch if the flooring does not slide under the jamb.

5. Cut the remaining door jamb with the saw set at its current height.

Tags: door jamb, pencil line, jamb remove, piece flooring, under jamb