Design a colorful, visually appealing background in a few easy steps.
When you browse the Web, you might not think about all the work a designer put into the text, graphics and layout of a page. When you're a beginner Web designer, you will want to focus on inserting text and pictures in an attractive array of layouts. Playing with a variety of formats will help you learn what makes Web pages attractive and accessible to viewers.
1. Open Photoshop and create a new document. Decide the size of your page. A safe starting point is 800 pixels by 600 pixels, as this will fit a wide range of browser resolutions. The option to change the pixel ratio will appear in the same box that allows you to create and name a new document.
2. Click the text box icon, located on the toolbar on the left-hand side of the document. Click and drag out the boundary of your header. Typically, the header will be about an inch or two wide and lay across the top of the Web page.
3. Click on the color icon to change the color of the header. A color palette will open up. Select your desired color. If you click "Layers" on the toolbar at the top of the document, a dialog box will appear. Create a new layer and another text box will appear. You can drag this text box out and overlap it with the first, and color it differently. Do this as many times as you like to give your banner layers.
4. Click on the text box to insert text. Change the size, color and font of your text on the toolbar across the top of the document. Change the color of the text box background by clicking on the color palette on the toolbar at the left-hand side of the document.
5. Use the layers palette to change colors, patterns, sizes and scales. Add effects such as shadow, glow, opaque and pattern overlay. Use these features to give your header a professional look.
6. Click "File," then "Insert Image". Choose an image from your hard drive by clicking on it, after which it will appear on your document inside of a box. While inside of this box, you can drag, replace, resize and flip the image. Click out of it to save changes.
7. Create text boxes the same way you created the header, and place them where you would like text to appear. Change the color, size and location of these text boxes the same way you did the header. Insert images between text boxes if you wish.
8. Experiment with a variety of different positions, layouts, colors, sizes and styles. Use the layers palette to overlap text and images. Drag and drop text and images until you are satisfied . You will only learn the basics by experimenting with the available tools.
Tags: will appear, text boxes, boxes same, Change color, Click text, color palette